Now at the Sandwich Public Library
View the work of Susan Bunbury at the Sandwich Public Library during their open hours from October 1- November 5
Want To Get Involved? — We Have A Place For You!
calendar of eventsCLASSES AND WORKSHOPS9/18-10/9 An Introduction to the Art of Watercolor with Ana Johnson-Moore New class will be starting in November- stay tuned! 10/19 Big Brush Painting with Joe Gallant 10/24 Needle Felting Pumpkins with Isabel Stearns 10/26 Mixed Media Sunflower Workshop with Jacqui Hawk 11/12 Trailblazing Women - Session Two with Claude Kerven 11/13 Gelli Plate Printing with Melissa Gavin & Nancy Dapkiewicz NEW! 11/16 Mixed Media Cape Cod Christmas Tree Workshop 11/21 Needle Felting Sheep with Isabel Stearns Click on an upcoming class to learn more, or view the full classes calendar HERE. |
Thank you to our Premier Sponsors
Check out the latest news from the Massachusetts Cultural Council here.
Sandwich Arts Alliance Mission Statement
Sandwich Arts Alliance (SAA) is an artist-driven nonprofit organization that promotes the arts and the artist---business and the arts, empowering artists, serving as a platform for new works, cultivating our creative economy, and culturally enriching Cape Cod communities and its visitors.
Sandwich Arts Alliance (SAA) is an artist-driven nonprofit organization that promotes the arts and the artist---business and the arts, empowering artists, serving as a platform for new works, cultivating our creative economy, and culturally enriching Cape Cod communities and its visitors.