Ten-Minute Tales
Local Authors tell ten-minute tales by the Fire at BBC
The Literary Arts Group of the Sandwich Arts Alliance is hosting "Ten-Minute Tales" on January 20th from 7-9 p.m. at the British Beer Company, Sandwich.
This will be an entertaining evening of local authors reading from their latest (or favorite) works. The fire will be glowing, the room will be warm, and the company cheery. So, break out of the January doldrums by dropping in for a fun evening. On the roster are local authors Glyn Dowden, Christie Lowrance, Dean Coe, Betsy Mangan, Louise Ambrose, Carolyn LeComte, June Bowser-Barrett. Donation: $15. Snacks provided. |
Participating Authors:
Louise Ambrose:
Louise is an 81-year-old mother of 3 and grandmother of 4. "I had never written anything before I joined the Writers' Workshop last January. It has been an enriching experience sharing thoughts and ideas with my group at the Plymouth Council on Aging. Who knew aging could be so much fun?" |
June Bowser-Barrett:
June retired from teaching writing at Middlesex Community College. She is mainly a playwright with several plays produced over the past ten years, but also an actor and director on occasion. She is a member of Playwrights' Platform, Boston and The Writing Incubator at A.L.L. Many of her plays began as short stories, and she hopes you will enjoy this one! |
Dean Coe:
Dean is the author of the Chesterton Series, children’s picture books that feature an ever-curious and good-natured Cape Cod weasel named Chesterton. His first book Chesterton Keeps His Town Jumping was published in 2014 and was followed by Chesterton Saves the Whale, Chesterton’s Scary Breakfast and Chesterton’s Winter Rescue. His latest, Chesterton Saves The Bunnies, was published in November 2017. It is a story about the once threatened New England cottontail rabbit. Dean’s books have been illustrated by former Sandwich High School students Robyn Whaples and Sasha Rudyakov. An avid kayaker, he navigates Cape Cod estuaries and leads narrated kayaking tours through the Sandwich marsh. A ‘self taught’ naturalist, his books introduce young readers to life on the marsh and woodlands of the Cape and New England. Dean has been a member of the Cape Cod Writers Center, the Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators, a founding member of the Sandwich Arts Alliance. A former Trustee of the Sandwich Public Library, he currently serves as a Director of the Thornton Burgess Society and Green Briar Nature Center and The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History. A grandfather of four, he has lived in Sandwich since 1983. |
Glyn Dowden:
Glyn is a retired international business man who originates from Wales. He has three children, five grandchildren and with his wife moved to Plymouth from Connecticut two years ago. He likes to garden, writes poetry, has written his memoirs and is currently working on short stories. Glyn does readings and has brought to life Dylan Thomas in reenactment stage performances of the famous Welsh Poet. Besides being a member of several writing groups Glyn is a member of the 'Cape Cod Choral' and the male voice choir 'We Are The Men'. |
Christie Lowrance:
Christie is a freelance writer, speaker, and author of Nature’s Ambassador: The Legacy of Thornton W. Burgess (Schiffer, 2013), a literary biography on the renowned 20th century naturalist, conservation activist, and children’s author. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including the Boston Globe, Cape Cod Times, Oceans, Small Farmer’s Journal, South Shore Living, and A-Plus Arts and Antiques, as well as Fodor’s Cape Cod, Insider’s Guide to Cape Cod and other travel books. Ms. Lowrance has an MA in Professional Writing (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth) and a BA in English (Hobart-William Smith Colleges). She has taught writing at UMass Dartmouth, Cape Cod Community College, and the Cape Cod Writers Conference. |
Carolyn LeComte
Carolyn is the author of two novels (Dark Paradise, and Pale Angel), a collection of short works (Sunshine and Shadows, Traces of Life), and a children’s book (Never Invite a Seagull to Lunch). She is currently working on another novel, and a collection of short stories with Cape Cod furnishing the settings. Carolyn is also an artist, dedicated to the visual arts as well as the literary ones. As a member of the Sandwich Arts Alliance, she exhibits at local venues with the SAA. Though primarily an oil painter, she loves scratchboard art, and has gained acceptance into the International Society of Scratchboard Artists. Pastel painting and collage also help to make up the full complement of her artistic endeavors. She lives in East Sandwich with her husband, dog, and two birds, and always enjoys visits from her two daughters, sons-in law, and eight grandchildren. |