This series of literary events, a collaboration between the Sandwich Arts Alliance and the Cape Cod Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, offers a unique opportunity to meet one on one with professionals in the field of writing and publishing.
The Sandwich Arts Alliance is proud to host: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.: An Editing and Marketing team share tips on getting published Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019 Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM Place: Sandwich Public Library, 142 Main Street, Sandwich $5 pre-registration, $10 at door Also in this series...
Pete Schiffer, President of Schiffer Publishing Ltd., along with Jamie Elfrank, Director of Marketing, and Jesse Marth, Managing Editor will review three fundamental areas that are critical for the overall success of publishing and selling a book: First, writing a complete proposal that explains the purpose of the project and target audience; second, the editing process of working with and preparing your work for submission, and finally the author’s role in market knowledge/research necessary to develop a marketing plan.