Kids’ Songs a la Carte
Youth Chorus Presentation and Family Potluck Supper
Friday, June 16, 2023
5:00 – 7:00 PM First Church Sandwich, UCC 136 Main St, Sandwich, MA 02563 Open to the public free of charge. Enjoy a casual evening with a youth chorus presentation of original songs by Christina Nordstrom, followed by a community potluck.
This delightful collection of original songs, by singer-songwriter and former health educator, Christina Nordstrom, provides an entertaining approach to inspire children and families to learn and remember important health and safety messages. The messages in the songs provide ideas and reminders for making healthier choices in everyday living, with topics including choosing healthier foods and physical activity, instructions for washing hands, together with ideas about living peacefully within a community and valuing differences. This program is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Sandwich through a grant to the Sandwich Arts Alliance.