Writers' Groups
These gatherings offer writers an opportunity to meet to share information and discuss common issues regarding writing, publishing, marketing, and selling. We occasionally will have readings and special guests. Our purpose is build community for writers at all levels.
Writers' Coffee
Dates: Every Friday
Time: 9:00 AM- 10:0 AM
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom Please contact Carolyn LeComte at [email protected] to receive meeting logon info
Time: 9:00 AM- 10:0 AM
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom Please contact Carolyn LeComte at [email protected] to receive meeting logon info
Writers' Networking POSTPONED
Hosted by Christie Lowrance
Dates: 2nd Wednesday of the Month
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Sandwich Arts Alliance Center, 124 Route 6A, Sandwich
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Sandwich Arts Alliance Center, 124 Route 6A, Sandwich
Fiction Writers Group POSTPONED
Dates: Last Tuesday of the Month
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Sandwich Arts Alliance Center, 124 Route 6A, Sandwich
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Sandwich Arts Alliance Center, 124 Route 6A, Sandwich